Monday, July 21, 2008

What should I do???? was an interesting day to say the least. I had to be in Minnetonka for a meeting at 10am and after, I decided to stop and visit my sweet Grandma Hladky. I was glad to see her and chat a bit, but that was cut short because she had an appointment with the Contour Mattress salesman for a new bed and that seriously took about 2 hours! My grandma wasn't too thrilled with all the bells and whistles of the bed so I don't think she is going to spend the money on it. However, I did tell her that if she isn't sleeping well that she should definitely buy a newer mattress. Yeppers!

Then, I headed home and I was planning to take the rest of the afternoon to complete some homework. Well...that didn't so much happen. Our maintenance guy, Dale, showed me this dog that he has been taking care of for 6 months. The situation is that he did a favor for this friend of his and watched his dog while he went to basic training. Well...he came back and then got stationed in Germany for 3 years and Dale decided that he couldn't take care of the dog for 3 more years, he already has several dogs at his place up north. So basically he brought the dog down here, because he is going to drop the dog off at his friend's mother's house. I guess the mother doesn't really want the dog, but sees no other option at this point. soon as I saw the dog I fell in love. His name is Buddy and he is a 2 year-old golden retriever. He came running into my arms, wagging his tail and gave me so much love! He is such a precious and good dog.

My heart went out for him and it tore at me to think that he would go to live at a place where the person doesn't want him. The first dog that I had was a golden retriever and she was the best dog ever. I miss you Sonnie! She passed away about 2 years ago and instantly when I looked into Buddy's eyes I thought of Sonnie and my step-dad, Steve. I called Steve and told him the situation and he was kind of undecided about the whole thing. Then I called my mom and she said that she was ok with it, but the decision was up to Steve. Dale was going to bring the dog to the mother's house in 1 hour and Steve could only say that he would give me his decision tomorrow. I asked Dale if he could hold off and bring the dog tomorrow and he agreed. I thought Steve can't make a decision without seeing this dog's cute face and loving personality. So I put the dog in my car and drove up to my parent's house. Buddy did so good in the car, no noises or nothing. I had my Spanish music blasting and he didn't seem to care at all.

Well...Steve came home and visited with the dog for a bit. Our other dog, Milo, wasn't too excited about his new friend. He was actually quite jealous and there were a few growls here and there. In the end, Steve decided that he didn't want to take care of another dog. I was sad for Buddy as I was driving home and praying that God has a loving home planned for him. I decided to enjoy Buddy as long as he was here and play with him as much as I could. I actually took him running with me and it went pretty well. My ankle didn't even hurt that much. Yippee!! Even when we passed by other dogs that yipped and barked, Buddy didn't make a sound and he just kept running. When we were stopped at an intersection, he would approach other people waiting and they would pet him. They couldn't resist the cute face. I actually noticed that more people made eye contact with me when I was running with a dog. I must look a lot cuter when I have a dog at my side. He he! I actually felt good with Buddy as my running partner. However, he did slow down quite a bit at the 3 mile mark so I decided that I better turn back for home. I think this was his first time going for a run and 6 miles was quite a bit. I had to basically pull him for the last mile. That's ok though...I forgive him! He is just so cute! So yeah...I only was able to do 6 miles today and not 9 like I had planned, but I don't blame Buddy.

Actually, during my run I prayed a lot for a good home for him and it crossed my mind that I would actually like to keep him. However, I don't know if that is such a good idea. A dog is a lot of responsibility and I don't have the most ideal living situation for a dog. Dale even mentioned to me if I would want to have the dog and I told him that I was actually thinking that same thought. I even got a invite from my grandma in the mail today and it had 5 golden retriever puppies on it. What does all of this mean?? Do I keep the dog or do I let him go to the mother's house where he isn't so much wanted? What would you do? I feel like there is a reason why my path crossed with Buddy today. I just don't know why that is. Tomorrow is actually the 1 year marker of my grandpa's passing and that is when my dad started showing his symptoms. Is God sending me a companion to bring light to the reminiscing of dark memories? I don't know what to think. I just need lots of prayers, not only for myself but for Buddy and for my family as we mourn for my grandpa tomorrow. Sorry about this long email, but it was a crazy day and I just had to tell you about it. Please feel free to leave comments, because Buddy is going tomorrow by 5:30pm and I think at this point I'm just going to let him go. If you have any words of advice that would be great. Thank you for your prayers of support!
Much love,

Ps. Please listen to this song by Jason Mraz. I'm crazy about it right now and I think the lyrics hit close to home with all that happened today. Our time is short and we all deserve to be loved!!

1 comment:

EllieBean said...

As long as you can get home to let the dog out rather than staying late or going out shopping and you can afford food and give him lots of love and attention I say why not.
