Friday, July 18, 2008

Don't worry...I'm back in the game!

I was supposed to do a 4 mile run earlier this week, but my life didn't seem to want to slow down. However, since I'm no longer teaching summer school I'm hoping that I will be able to follow my running schedule more. Today I had the day off and I headed out early for my run. It was such a gorgeous morning! The sky was clear, the sun was shining, the breeze was refreshing and the sounds of the birds chirping brought me to so much peace. More than usual, I did lots of thinking during my run today. I couldn't stop praising God for the blessings that He has placed in my life. Eight months ago I felt the world crashing in on me and I was restrained so deep by the darkness that surrounded me. Losing my father was like a chunk of my heart was ripped out and I felt so hopeless, so alone and so afraid. However, now I can't help but smile every day for how God has helped me to rise above with so much happiness. I love where I live, I can't wait for my new position as a Spanish Immersion teacher and I feel great! However, I am the most thankful for the amazing people that God has placed in my life and who don't stop lifting me up with their love. It is because of you that I am where I am at today. Thank you to all my loved ones, family and friends!I also want to say thank you to those out there who I have never met, but continue to show their grace to give me hope. My sister just informed me today that she googled my father's name and found that a woman named Rachel Trockman donated a memorial of artwork in honor of my dad. (Check it out: page 6) I was so amazed when I saw this. I have never met this woman, but my dad must have touched her heart just like he did for so many. God sure does work in amazing ways. Thank you! I also want to say another thank you to Lisa Spencer. You sure are an amazing woman! Even though we have never met face to face, I feel your love so near. I am so thankful to God for crossing our paths. Your words of encouragement give me so much hope. Thank you for your support! As you can see I have a lot to rejoice about right now. I actually ended up running 5 miles today, because I was lost in my happiness! I probably needed to do a little bit more since I took several days off. I'm still thinking about doing the 5k race tomorrow in Belle Plaine for BBQ days. If I decide to do so, wish me luck! I love you all so very much!

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