Saturday, July 12, 2008

Don't worry...I'm still going strong!

Hola a todos!
Even though it was my day off yesterday, I hardly got one minute to sit down nor do any form of exercise. I was busy running around all day meeting up with people, but I had a very good time. Last night my roommates and I had a craft night. If you know me, this doesn't happen much. I like to do crafts, but I don't really have the patience for it. Plus, I've never really used a sewing machine except ages ago in my 8th grade home ec class. So yeah....I have 4 pillows and 2 table runners ready to be sewn. I'm so proud of myself. Now..only if I could get the sewing machine to work properly.
Anyway, I decided to do my cross-training today since I didn't have much time yesterday. Once again I biked 20+ miles and it was an amazing day! It was a little windy, but that just made me work harder and that's ok. There were a lot of people on the trails today, especially because earlier there was a triathalon in the same area. This is really sad, but I actually saw a woman that must've been part of the triathalon because she had numbers on her body and it looked like she had a pretty bad fall. Her face and her arm were all scratched up. That must've hurt. Poor thing. I pray that she isn't it too much pain. That really made me think that I should take it easy when I'm bike riding and wear a helmet. Lots of people around here wear helmets and I guess it has never really phased me of something that I should do. However, I do book it on my bike and you never know what could pop out infront of you...right? Maybe I'll go get myself a helmet. It's better to be safe than sorry...right?
Tomorrow I will be running my long run of 9 miles and I probably will do so in the morning. Pray for good weather and pray for strength for me. Thanks for your continued support.
I love you all!

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