Sunday, July 13, 2008

4th Week of Training....DONE!!

I stuck to my plan and went for my long run this morning and I'm so glad I did. God definitely answered my prayers today, because I felt so good when I was running. When I started my run these 4 girls who looked like they were serious runners went zooming by me and after a bit I actually caught up with them! I stuck with them all the way to the Lake Harriet Bandshell and I was 3 minutes ahead of my normal time. Then we headed our separate ways, but I was proud of myself for keeping up with them. I felt like I was in a race. It was like I was flying today. I was passing people left and right, which doesn't usually happen. I was even passing people that looked in better shape than myself! I guess I shouldn't underestimate the power of my mammoth legs. He he! Even towards the end of my run I was still going strong, because there was this girl who was running at the same speed as me and then I slowly started to inch ahead of her. When we got to the stop light and had to wait for traffic we caught up with each other again. Then we headed up a hill and I made my way ahead of her again, but she must of kicked her horses into gear because as I ended my loop around Lake Harriet she came up behind me out of the blue. However, I was determined to stay ahead and that's just what I did until I turned left towards home. I really felt like I was flying high today. I wasn't looking forward to the 9 miles, but it was a great run and a perfect day weather wise. I think something in me really wants to do a race and according to my training schedule I should be running a 5k race on Saturday. It actually works out that I might be joining my roommate for her home town celebration day called BBQ Days and they actually have a 5k run Saturday morning. I'm going to find out more details and see if I can sign up still. Wish me luck! I hope you all have a blessed start to your week. Don't stop spreading the word!
Love you lots,

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